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  • 防汗、防水
  • 醫學級別
  • 無痛拉扯
  • 長效8小時
  • 適用於穿著婚紗、晚裝、深V上衣、泳衣時使用
  • 可剪裁任何適合形狀



- 5對豆形提胸神貼



1. 使用化妝綿清潔乳房並印乾及保持乾爽
2. 貼上水滴形親膚乳貼保護乳頭敏感肌膚
3. 把豆形貼於胸下線貼上
4. 於另一邊胸房同時平衡貼上
5. 一邊手把乳房推進,另一邊手向上提拉豆形貼
6. 另一邊重覆以上動作
7. 穿上衣服後可任意裁剪突出的部分
8. 使用防走光雙面貼
9. 使用Boob Tape 加強胸部集中效果



  • 於使用豆形提胸神貼前,先貼上水滴形親膚乳貼保護乳頭敏感肌膚




Little Bean Tape is an invisible breast tape, its lifts, shapes and supports your breasts. Its like a second skin that made with a unique medical grade adhesive.


How to use:

1. Make sure your skin is clean and dry
2. Apple nipple covers to avaid a painful removal
3. Carefully place the tape side against the lower area of breast
4. Repeat the procedure on your other breast
5. Straighten the tape, lift up and place it where you feel comfortable and balance
6. Little bean tape will create a firmer grip the longer you wear them


Eash pack of Little Bean Tape contains:

  • 5 Pairs of Bean Tape




BareBooby - LITTLE BEAN TAPE 豆形提胸神貼5對

  • 注意


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